BINGE today announced the Australian comedy special The Last Year of Television, created and written, and hosted by Mitch McTaggart, will premiere 31 December, 2022 on BINGE, home of the world’s best shows.
In this hilarious end-of-year special, Mitch takes an excoriating look at the good, the bad and the cringe of everything that has happened on Australian television this year. Expect jokes, relatable indignation, and a controversial take on your favourite or maybe your least favourite Aussie shows of the year.
Mitch McTaggart said: “Ask yourself how has the year stacked up compared with others? Has it been just as chaotic? Of course it has - or I would be out of a job otherwise.
“I am absolutely pumped to bring The Last Year of Television to BINGE viewers, prepare your favourite antacid or pillow to involuntarily cringe into, and let the savage world of television wash over you like a sad rock.”
BINGE Executive Director, Alison Hurbert-Burns said: “We are thrilled to have Mitch on board to remind us all about the Aussie TV that graced our screens this year.
“Nothing is off limits in this sharp year-in-review. It will make you think twice and have you laughing out loud as Mitch bids farewell to 2022 in style.”
In addition to The Last Year of Television, Mitch’s six-part comedy series, The Back Side of Television, which explores all the ridiculous, dispiriting and outright shameful moments in the wild history of Australian television, is coming to BINGE in 2023.
The Last Year of Television will premiere on BINGE on 31 December.