New research reveals popularity of women's sport rising

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Fox Sports today released new research revealing the popularity of women’s sport has risen with two thirds (66 per cent) of Aussie’s having tuned in to watch women’s sport on TV. Of those who noted a change in viewership, 7 in 10 (69 per cent) have increased their consumption of women’s sports since pre-pandemic showcasing Aussies heightened commitment.

Key highlights:

7 in 10 (69 per cent) Aussies who have changed their viewing habits since pre-pandemic, increased their viewership of women’s sport

Amongst Aussies who admit their opinion of women’s sports had changed, the overwhelming majority (90 per cent) say it was in a positive way

72 per-cent of males are tuning into women’s sports, making up two-thirds of those watching AFLW, NRLW and WBBL

NSW delivered the largest viewership of women's sport, watching more than any other state per week on average

Two in five Aussies (40 per cent) were inspired or considered playing a sport after watching

Millennials revealed as the generation consuming the most amount of women’s sport per week

Codes available on Fox Sports including Cricket, Australian Rules Football and Netball were among the most popular accounting for 41 per-cent combined

56 per cent are watching more women’s sport due to growth of media coverage around female sporting events and stars, 49 per cent due to dedicated broadcast coverage

Ahead of International Women’s Day 2022, the research shows amongst Aussies who admit their opinion of women’s sports had changed, the overwhelming majority (90 per cent) say it was in a positive way. The study found 72 per-cent of males are tuning in to women’s sport and across AFLW, NRLW and WBBL, two-thirds of those watching are men.

Codes available on Fox Sports including Cricket, Australian Rules Football and Netball were among the most popular accounting for 41 per-cent combined. Cementing Australia’s appetite for Cricket, the 2020 Women’s Cricket World Cup in Australia was the highest rating in Fox Sports history with the final between Australia and India the #1 rating Women’s sports moment ever with an audience of over 450,000.

The Women’s Big Bash League also continues to go from strength to strength, with the 2020 final between the Melbourne Stars and Sydney Thunder, the number one WBBL game ever with over 130,000 watching on Foxtel and Kayo. AFLW is also rising, with audiences in 2021 growing by 19 per cent on 2019, with almost 130,000 watching Brisbane’s Grand Final victory over Adelaide, up 65 per cent on the 2019 Grand Final. This year sees the Suncorp Super Netball season exclusively live and ad-break free on Foxtel and Kayo, in addition to NRLW and AFLW with every game being broadcast across the two platforms.

The growth of media coverage around female sporting events and stars has become a leading driver of success with over half (56 per cent) of Aussies saying this resulted in a spike in viewing while nearly one in two (49 per cent) say it increased due to dedicated broadcast coverage. Fox Sports is the largest broadcaster for women’s sports nationally delivering 15 different women’s sports across 24 competitions to its more than 2.4 million sports subscribers.

Foxtel Group Chief Content and Commercial Officer, Amanda Laing, said: “With more than 2.4 million sports subscribers across our brands, the Foxtel Group is passionate about giving Australia’s biggest women’s sports and the stellar athletes that front them a platform for growth. There is no doubt 2022 is going to be a year of radical transformation in popularity and participation.

As women’s sport across different codes goes from strength to strength, it’s clear that Australians have a huge appetite for watching great sport regardless of whether it is being played by men or women. With greater exposure comes more fans, more sponsorship, and more attendance for the sports which we partner with, ultimately strengthening a sport by providing stronger revenue. The Foxtel Group is proud to be working to help deliver these benefits to women’s sport in Australia, broadcasting more than 4,700 hours of women’s sport across 15 different codes and 24 competitions, and this is just the beginning with more investment to come.”

With viewership on the rise, Aussies are being inspired by female sports stars to hit the field or the court. Two in five (40 per cent) who watch women’s sport admitting they have either been inspired or considered playing the sport themselves after tuning in on TV, solidifying the importance of broadcast coverage in inspiring participation.

Every game of the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup will be available to watch through a dedicated 24/7 channel on Foxtel, giving fans access live and ad-break free, until April 3. This followed an announcement by Kayo that every game of the World Cup will be made available via Kayo Freebies.

This new research from Fox Sports coincides with Foxtel Group’s launch of Game Changer, a new annual report detailing progress in producing, televising, and building audiences for women's and underrepresented sports in Australia, which will be released this week.

*All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 3054 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 8th – 15th February 2022. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all Australian adults (aged 18+).

*Hours of live coverage is calculated based on maximum match times across Fox Sports’ 2022 women’s sport programming schedule.